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Гражданское право и процесс

Business English, учебник F.W. King, Units 3-6, для специальности Мировая экономика

Business English, учебник F.W. King, Units 3-6, для специальности Мировая экономика


[6] An enquiry from an import/export agent on behalf of a Client

A. B. White & CO. Ltd. 567 Queen Street

Import and Export London, EC4 8YH

Directors: A.B. White, 7.0. Pearson Telephone: 4946130

JR/ph 31 January 197S

The Exaelso Company Ltd. High Uyoombe, Bucks. B34 1WE

We have just received an enquiry from a multi-national organisation owning

several luxury hotels in East Africa. They care opening а пеы hotel next

springs and have asked us to submit quotations for furniture and fittings

in aooopdanoe with the attached list.

The articles in question must be hard-nearing'and up-to-date in design, and

delivery by February of next year is essential. Vill you please let us

lovm, therefore, whether you will be able to complete, an order for the.

quantities required-within the time at your disposal.

He will also be glad to have an estimate for the number of containers

required and the approximate cost of packing.

Please let us have your quotation as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully


[5] Enquiry from an export merchant who has not been able to obtain

satisfactory deliveries from his regular suppliers

A.ZIMMERLIA.G. Import-Export Mschants ZURICH

Messrs. W.H. Strong ana Co.

73 Crimea Road

London SE25 3NF

Zhgland 23 april


Dear Sirs

We have been given your nane by our aRanclntgis' J.J. Hieller of Basle, «ho

iJifoan us that they have been doing business with you for sane fifteen

years. Me asked than if they knew of a manufacturer «ho might be able to

supply at very short notice the articles specified on the enclosed list,

and they advised us to contact you.

He can explain 1л confidence that our nonnal supplier has rather let us

down1 on delivery dates this year, and we are in clanger of getting Into

arrean^with seine of our overseas contracts.

If. you can supply the goods we require, please accept: this as our older.

Payment will be made in accordance with your usual tezms of business.

We hope you will be able to help us In this instance, and can add that if

your products and tanoe are as oompetiti've ae we have been led to believe,

we will be interested in a long-term contract with you.

We would appreciate a reply by telex.

[4] Enquiry from an import agent in India to a British export manufacturer


General Import Merchants


Weatherproof Ltd. Newtown Liverpool L30 7KE

We have now been importing your "Litewate" raincoats for a number of years,

and our trade connections throughout India have bean more than satisfied

with the garments.

However, two от three Indian manufacturers have recently launched ultra-

lightweight models, and these are catching en' very fast. In view of the

increased competition this involves, we wander whether you have considered

marketing a coat of rather lighter material than the "Literate", but

equally waterproof. A garment of this type would have a large sale in

this country if you could offer it at a competitive price, that. is to say

not more than Ј3.50 for a man's model, and slightly less for a woman's. You

will be interested to learn that raincoats being produced here suffer from

one major drawback, namely excessive condensation on the inside surface.

We would be grateful for your preliminary comnents as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully

[3] Letter to an agent


Photographic Dealer DURBAN

J. White « Co. Ltd.

254 Smuts Avenue

Cape Town 5 May


Dear Sirs

I see fxcm the Camera Review that you are the South African agents for

Messrs. Derby and Sens of London.

Would you please send me price lists and catalogues for all DERVIEW

products you stock, as well as details of discounts and terms of payment.

Are you prepared to grant special terms for annual orders totalling В

35,000 in value?

I would appreciate a visit from your representative when he is next in the

Durban area: perhaps he could bring sane samples of DERVIEW colour

transparencies, which are attracting a good deal of Interest here.

I look forward to your reply. Yours faithfully

[2] From an Australian engineering concern to a British supplier




HS/ja 25 Jun» 1978

The Aluminium Alloy Co. Ltd. 79 Prince Albert St. Birmingham B21 8DJ Great


We have seen your advertisement in The Metal Worker, and would be grateful

if you would kindly send. us details of your aluminium fittings.

Please quote us for the supply of the items listed on the enclosed enquiry

fon», giving your prices, c.i.f. Melbourne. Will you please also indicate

delivery tines, your terms of payment, and details of discounts for regular

purchases and large orders.

Our annual requirements for metal fittings are considerable, and we may be

able to place substantial orders with you if your prices are competitive

and your deliveries prompt.

We look forward to receiving your quotation.

Yours faithfully


[1] From a French importer of fashion goods to a British exporter


Imfwrlfrs of Fasliimi Goods Avenue Ravigny 14

PARfS Paris XV

JdP/AG 12 October 1978

The Western Shoe Co. Ltd. Yeovil. Somerset S19 3AF


Dear Sirs We have heard from the British Embassy in Paris that you are

producing for export hand-made shoes and gloves in natural materials.

There is a steady demand in France for high-quality goods of this type.

Sales are not high, but a good price can be obtained for fashionable,


Will you please send us your catalogue and full details of your export

prices and terms of payment, together with samples of leathers used in your

articles and» if possible, specimens of some of the articles themselves.

We are looking forward to hearing from you.Yours faithfully FOURNIER ET CIE



[1] Reply to letter no. 2, page 23 Aluminium Alloy Co. Ltd. Birmingham

79 Prince Albert St. Birmingham B21 8DJ Great Britain

The Jameson Construction Co. Pty.

2 July 1978 Harbour, Road

Melbourne в Australia We thank you for

your letter of 25 June, and are glad to inform you that all the items

listed in your enquiry are in stock» We are enclosing a pro— forma invoice

for the aluminium fittings you are interested in: if you wish to place a

firm order, will you please arrange for settlement of the invoice by draft

through your bank, and advise us at the same time. We can

guarantee delivery in Melbourne within 3 weeks of receiving your

instructions. If you require the items urgently, we will arrange for them

to be sent by air, but this will, of course, entail higher freight charges.

We are enclosing details of our terms of payment, and would be

happy to discuss discounts with you if you would kindly let us know how

large yow orders are likely to be. We are also

enclosing a copy of the report, which appeared in the Haroh issue of The

Metal Worker, on our ALUUOZ fittings. We are looking forward

to hearing from you, and assure you that your orders will receive our

immediate attention.

Yours faithfully

[2] Reply to letter no. 3, page 24


Photographic Supplies CAPE TOWN

7 May 1978

James Scott

Photographic Dealer


Dear mr Scott

Many thanks far your letter of 5 May. We are interested to hear that you

saw our advertisement tn the Camera Review, and appreciate your interest In

the DEEWIEK products we stock.

Wfe are enclosing our Terms of Business, where you will find details of our

quarterly discounts, and our price list for the complete range of EERVtEW

products. йе you will see, we can grant special leans for orders of the

value you mention.

I will be in Durban lyself on 17 May, and will be happy to call on you at

any time in the afternoon. Perhaps you would like to let he kno» whether

this is convenient. I will, of course, bring the complete range of LtWIEW

colour transparencies, which are described 1л the catalogue we have sent

you today.

I am locking forward to meeting you. Yours faithfully

[3] Suggested reply to letter no. 6, page 27 which was an enquiry made

through a buying agent

The Excelso Company Ltd.

Specialists in Modern Design Directors: J. Corner, B. Edge

High Wycombe, Bucks.

Telephone: 04946130

Our RefiH/flSO Your Ref-.JR/ph 3 February 1978

Attention Miss Jennifer Ring, Overseas Dept.

A.B. White & Co. Ltd.

567 Queen Street

London EC4 8YH

Dear Sirs

We thank you for your enquiry of 31 January, and can confirm our telephone

conversation of yesterday, in which we informed you that we can deliver

part of the goods required from Stock, in accordance with the enclosed

detailed offer. Por the balance we would require approximately three

weeks from the date of receiving your confirmation that this arrangement is


Prices as quoted are f.o.b. London.

Packing in wooden cases.

Delivery as specified above.

Payment against documents, by banker's draft.

We hope your client will find our terms and delivery dates satisfactory,

and we can assure you that yon may count on our full co-operation and

attention in this matter.

Yours faithfully

[4] Dear Sirs

We are very glad to have your letter of 1 December and to hear that you

have been receiving enquiries about our Weatherproof coats. The Utewate

range you mention has been a great success wherever it has been introduced,

and we are already exporting it to several tropical countries, in both Asia

and Africa. Unlike many waterproof coats, the Utewate does not cause

excessive condensation on the inside surface, and so would be suitable for

your climate. We can quote you the following prices: f p

250 Litewate coats, women's, medium

375 00 250 „ „ „ small

375 00 250 „ „ men's, medium

493 75 250 „ „ „ small

431 25

F.O.B. Liverpool 1,675 00 Freight


50 20 Insurance

18 30

1,743 50

We will be able to ship the raincoats within 2-3 weeks of receiving your


We are grateful to you for your suggestion concerning an ultra-lightweight

coat for the Indian market, and are pleased to inform you that we have been

looking into the question of a suitable material for some time now. Our

Research Department assure us that they will have a model ready in the very

near future, and we will come back to the matter as soon as we have some

definite news for you.

We are enclosing full details of our terms of business, and have sent you

by separate post a set of descriptive brochures of our products, and a

supply of sales literature.

We look forward to hearing from you again.

Yours faithfully

[5] From a manufacturer to a large retailer


Manufacturers of Plasticware Melox House


RBG/hk 12 January 1978

Messrs. L. Thoms & Son

150 Beachview Avenue

Bournemouth H77 60P

Dear Sirs

We are very pleased to have your enquiry, and are enclosing the price-list

you requested, together with our terms of sale.

As you have evidently realized, plastic kitchenware Is here to stay -it has

already ousted heavy and expendable metal, glass and china from the modern

kitchen. Dealere who have displayed our brightly coloured range have

reported good sales even in the present season, when hardware sales are

usually at their lowest.

After studying our prices and our liberal teme to the trade, you will

understand why we are working to capacity to meet the demand. We would

advise you, therefore, to let us have your order by the end of the month,

as this will enable you to have stocks of our attractive lines by Easter.

We look forward to the opportunity of being of service to you.

Yours faithfully


[6] Dear Sirs

In your letter of 1 May you ask us to send you samples ot ow rubberised

floor coverings tor use on rough surfaces. We appreciate your interest, and

have today despatched a range of qualities which we have selected specially

to meet your needs.

All of these materials are robust and hard-wearing, and we particularly

recommend no. 7—COMPO—which is a synthetic substance developed by our

research department to withstand the wear and tear of rough and uneven


Please give the samples any test you wish: we are confident that they will

stand up to the roughest handling.

Our price-list is enclosed with this letter, together with our trade terms,

as we think you will need these when you have completed your tests. It will

be a pleasure to quote you terms lor contact supplies, and our technical

representatives are at your service at all times.

Yours faithfully

A request for a special discount may call for some thought, and a counter-

proposal may be made in reply, as in letter no. 7.

[7] Dear Sirs.

Many thanks for your letter of 15 July, in which you ask us for an extra

discount of 24% over and above the usual trade discounts in connection with

your order for 30,000 envelopes no. 2M.

While we appreciate your order, we feel we must point out that our prices

have already been cut to.the minimum possible, and that envelopes are

unobtainable elsewhere at these rates.

However, we woutel be willing to allow you a special 2-4% discount if you

could see your way to increasing your order to 50,000.

We await your reply. Yours faithfully

[8] Offer of Brazilian coffee Dear Sirs

You will be interested to hear that we have been able to obtain a further

supply of Brazilian coffee of the same quality as that we supplied you with

last year. The total consignment is only 10,000 kg., and we are pleased to

offer it to you at 60p per kg. With the increases in freight charges which

become effective next month, the next consignment will be rather dearer, so

we recommend you to take advantage of this offer, which is firm for five

days only, and to telex your order without delay.

Yours faithfully

[9] French wine exporter's offer to British importer Dear Sirs

Messrs. Hankinson and Co. of Towgate St., with whom we have been doing

business for a number of years, have informed us that you will probably be

replenishing your stocks of French white wines in the near future.

You will already know that we had an exceptionally good season in 1973, and

that the fine quality of our white vintages of that year is renowned both

in your country and in ours.

We are now shipping these wines, and would be very glad to welcome you as

customers. Our full export price-list is enclosed, but we would like to

draw your attention particularly to our

White Bordeaux @ Ј60.00 per gross bottles, and

Sauteme @ Ј70.00 „ ,, ,,

These wines have always sold very wett in Britain, and the prices quoted

above for bulk purchase will enable you to sell at highly competitive

prices, while obtaining a good margin of profit.

We will be pleased to supply you with a first order against settlement

within 30 days of date of invoice, and with 21% discount. Immediate

shipment from Bordeaux Is guaranteed.

We advise you to place your order promptly, since we expect considerable

response from other foreign customers to this special offer.

Yours faithfully

[10] Fruit broker's offer to wholesaler Dear Sirs

Confirming our telephone conversation of this morning, we are pleased to be

able to offer you the following South African fruit, which arrived

yesterday with the S.S. Durham Castle:

300 boxes 'Early Rivers' plums Ј0.55 per box

100 boxes 'Golden Glory' peaches Ј1.10 per box

200 boxes 'Prime Yellow' apricots Ј0.50 per box.

These brands are well known to you, and the consignment in question is well

up to the high quality of previous years. The fruit is excellently packed

and would reach you in perfect condition.

We would be glad to send the goods by rail on receipt of your order, which

should be sent by telephone or telex. The price includes carriage, and is

firm for 24 hours only. Yours faithfully

[11] Battery manufacturer’s offer to overseas dealer



Amperlite Ltd.

146 O'Leary St.

Dublin 2

Ireland 27 December


Dear Sirs


Improved methods of production enable us to offer you our range of Drilite

batteries at a reduced price for large quantities.

Details of the new prices for your market are enclosed, and you will see

that the average price reduction is 5%. As our prices are quoted c.i.f.

Dublin, you will agree that they are considerably lower than those of

manufacturers of similar batteries, both here in Japan and elsewhere.

The quality of our products remains the same - only the finest chemicals

are used. The new prices are for minimum orders of Ј1,000 and are

effective as from 1 January. Immediate despatch is guaranteed, and we

hold ample s tocks.

We appreciate your past custom, and look forward to supplying you in the

new year at the new prices.

Yours faithfully

[12] Circular from a large store informing customers of sale of stocks

at reduced prices Dear Sir or Madam

On 1 June this year we are moving to larger and more modem premises at nos.

50-55 Oxford Street. Our business has grown so considerably in recent years

that we can no longer provide our customers with the service we are used to

giving them in our present building.

In view of this move we are selling off our entire stock at greatly reduced

prices to save us the trouble and expense of packing and removal.

Come and visit us any day next week. The sale will last for 7 days

only—less it stocks are cleared sooner. This is an exceptional opportunity

for you to obtain real bargains: reductions range from 15% to 30%, while

certain surplus lines will be going at up to 50% off list prices.

Don't miss this chance! Our doors open at 9 a.m. on Monday 20 May.

[13] Offer of special trade discount Dear Sirs

In last summer's exceptionally fine weather we were so overloaded with late

orders from most of our regular customers that we were unable to keep pace

with the demand.

While we understand our customers' tear of overstocking, we are sure they

will appreciate our position when we are suddenly flooded with urgent last-

minute orders.

To encourage all customers to lay in a good opening stock this year, we are

prepared to offer a special trade discount of 4% on all orders over Ј500

net value received before the end of the month.

Help us by helping yourselves!

Yours faithfully

[14] Wholesaler's special offer of woollen blankets Dear Sirs

A few weeks ago we were fortunate enough to have the offer of the entire

stock of the Hartley Blanket Company, which has now ceased to manufacture

woollen products. We took advantage of this exceptional opportunity, and

are now in a position to offer these famous all-wool blankets well below

the market price.

This is a 'once-in-a-lifetime' opportunity, and we expect to dear our stock

in a few days.

We must ask you, therefore, to give the enclosed special price list your

immediate attention and to let us have your order at once.

Orders will be executed in strict rotation and can only be accepted as long

as stocks last. Yours faithfully

[15] Specimen of a follow-up letter to a distributor to whom a catalogue

was sent in response to his enquiry.

Dear Mr Morton

You wish to modernise your store-rooms with the most up-to-date shelving

system yet devised: that is clear because you asked for our catalogue,

which was sent to you earlier this month.

The next step lies, of course, with you. You could have a demonstration of

the fitting of the lockshelf system in your own store-room, or see the

combined units here in our showrooms.

You could test for yourself the wonderful adaptability of our system to all

storage problems, by sending us a trial order for one 5 metre section,

which comprises three units. Or if you have any special problems, you are

welcome to our advice without any obligation.

You may be sure that whichever of our services you decide to use, you will

receive our immediate attention. Yours sincerely
